Thursday, May 12, 2011

All You Magazine: On RollBack at Walmart this month!

All You Magazine is on RollBack at Walmart this month!

Every single time I try to find this magazine at my local Walmart, I have never been able to find it.  I assume that they normally charge you the cover price of $2.49 an issue.

For the next few weeks, Walmart has this magazine on sale for only $1.88!  So that's a savings of $0.61 (before tax)!

Knowing that my subscription is not going to kick in for at least another month, I just ran to Walmart (on my lunch break!) to see if I could grab the May issue on sale.  To my surprise my store actually had the magazine!  I have been contemplating going to other Walmart locations to see if they have it.  But today I found at least 4 copies of the May issue at my store!  I was so excited that I decided to grab two of them.

I ran to a price scanner to make sure that they were in fact ringing up $1.88 an issue instead of $2.49.  If they were not on sale I was only going to buy one.  But they did ring up on sale so I decided to grab 2.
I have heard of plenty of couponers out there who have multiple subscriptions to this magazine to maximize the amount of items they can be saving on.  So I didn't think it was too strange for me to get two.

Let's just hope that the May issue is choked-full of awesome money-saving coupons that I will want (since I will have doubles).  Let's also hope that these coupons do not expire for a while...And that I haven't missed too many good sales already.  Hopefully I have plenty of time and sales left to use my two magazines worth (or at least some of them, assuming I won't actually use all) of coupons up!

The cover says that there is "$85.32 worth of coupons in this issue".

So if it were not on sale, then my two magazines (before tax) would have cost $4.98 for $170.64 worth of coupons.

But since it was on sale, I paid only $3.76 (before tax) for $170.64 worth of coupons.

$4.98 - $3.76 = Savings of $1.22  

And to take it a step further, I actually had a Walmart gift-card that I have been forgetting to use for many months.  I finally remembered to use it today.  Thus making my $170.64 worth of coupons actually absolutely free! :)

Because of my gift-card, I was actually tempted to purchase more than two of the magazines...But I decided to wait until the June issue comes out.  If my subscription hasn't kicked in by then, then I will want to go to Walmart to buy the June issue, and I can use the rest of my gift-card on that if I haven't used it on anything else by then.  Or, I can always just spend the $1.88 for another book of coupons...Or $2.49 if it is not on sale anymore.  I am sure that the $2.49 pays for itself if you are really into couponing.

Either way, I am excited to look through the magazine and see what coupons it contains! (Twice)  :-)

Haha I couldn't wait to take a picture of my two copies!

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