Saturday, May 21, 2011

Price Chopper: 05/21/2011

This was not a great weekend for couponing for me.  I had a list for Rite Aid, but when I got there they didn't have anything I planned on buying, so I walked out empty-handed.
Of course now I keep thinking about one item I was going to get and my husband talked me out of it, saying that it was an unnecessary item. But now I just keep thinking about what a great deal it was.  They had Air Wic Freshmatic Ultra Starter Kits for $12.99 BOGO.  And with all of the coupons I had, I would have got TWO kits for $0.99 total (before tax) instead of $25.98!  So that would have been a savings of $24.99.  Oh well.

As far as Price Chopper goes, in addition to their normal weekly sales, they had a special Moonlight Madness Sale yesterday.  It was actually the cause of some stress for me this week.  The main reason that it was so stressful was because it was supposed to be a mostly unadvertised sale that was only from 5pm to Midnight yesterday.  So all week I tried to get my coupon binder completely organized so that I could just bring every coupon with me to the store since I could not prepare for the trip.  Normally I have lists and math all done before I get to the store, but with the sales being unadvertised, I would not be able to prepare.

So by Thursday night I saw that my coupon binder was not going to be organized in time.  So I finally decided that since Price Chopper is not that far from my job or my house, I would just go straight from work to Price Chopper and take notes on what was on sale and then go home and grab the appropriate coupons and then go back.  It would not be a ton of extra driving, so it would not be a huge waste of gas money.

So I got to Price Chopper at about 5:10pm and it was already MOBBED!  I finally found a parking spot far away in the parking lot, and then had to practically push my way into the store.  And they were all out of carts already, so I just walked around aisle by aisle trying to find the "hidden deals".  I expected there to be some signs or something to point out which items were the "hidden deal".  I know I would have to search for the deals, but I expected that certain items on the shelf would have some kind of sign letting you know that you found the special super sale items.  But I could not find any signs.  I went through each aisle at least two or three times...Some aisles were a little more difficult than others, due to the crowds of people.

After I decided that I had walked around enough, I had seen sooooo many people with two or three carts each FULL to the top with items.  So I thought that I must have been missing something, because I could not find anything worth it.  So at this point I thought that either they knew something I didn't and I was missing out, OR that they don't know what real good sales are and they are just buying stuff at less than ideal prices.

It was too overwhelming and stressful to deal with any longer, so I left empty-handed and went home.  When I got home I checked a few couponing blogs to see if people mentioned any great deals that they found, because I would go back to the store if it was worth it.  But they all agreed that it was an over-hyped up sale that did not have anything worth it.  And they all said that anyone who was buying tons of stuff was because they did not know what good prices for items really were.  So they were kind of suckered into it, and I was smart enough to know not to buy anything.

So today I went back to Price Chopper for their normal weekly sale that was ending today.
I didn't get all that much, but here is what I got:

Retail Prices:

  • 2 Boboli 8" Whole Wheat Pizza Crusts, 2-Pack: $4.89 each (Total: $9.78)
  • 4 Bags of Dole Lettuce: $3.99 each (Total: $15.96)
  • 2 Bags of Texas Toast Croutons: $1.99 each (Total: $3.98)
  • 1 Container Philadelphia Cooking Creme: $2.99
  • 1 Package Budding Turkey: $4.39 
  • 1 Bag Green Giants Baby Carrots, 1pound: $1.99

Retail SubTotal: $39.09

My Prices:

  • 2 Boboli 8" Whole Wheat Pizza Crusts, 2-Pack: $9.78 - $1.89Sale = $7.89 - $1.89Sale = $6.00 
  • 4 Bags of Dole Lettuce: $15.96 - $2.00Sale = $13.96 - $2.00Sale = $11.96 - $2.00Sale = $9.96 - $2.00Sale = $7.96
  • 2 Bags of Texas Toast Croutons: $3.98 - $1.00Sale = $2.98 - $1.00Sale = $1.98 - $1.00coupon = $0.98
  • 1 Container Philadelphia Cooking Creme: $2.99 - $1.50 Coupon = $1.49
  • 1 Package Budding Turkey: $4.39 - $0.89Sale = $3.50 - $1.00 Coupon = $2.50
  • 1 Bag Green Giants Baby Carrots, 1pound: $1.99 - $0.49Sale = $1.50

My SubTotal: $20.43 

$39.09 - $20.43 = Savings of $18.66

So, not the best trip ever...But not the worst either.  

The photo is actually missing the second package of Boboli Crusts, because we were hungry and ate them for dinner right after we got home...So we put all of the groceries away and ate dinner...And then I took them back out after dinner to take the picture.  LOL  

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