Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rite Aid: 04/23/2011

Today I went to Rite Aid with the intention of buying Air Wick Aerosol Spray, Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, and Snickers Marathon Bars.  Rite Aid has the Air Wick sprays for BOGO, and the Lysol Wipes for 2 for $5.  I have Lysol Coupons that would have made them free.  I also had a good deal on Snickers Marathon Bars.  They are $1.49 each and they are BOGO this week.  And I had a Rite Aid coupon for $1 off of 4.  So instead of $5.96 for 4 it would have only been $1.98 for 4.  But at the last minute, my husband and I decided we didn't want them.  So I was just going to get the Air Wick spray and the Lysol Wipes.

When I got there I was sad to discover that they were out of Lysol Wipes.  I asked if they had anymore in the back, but they didn't.  So I got a rain check for when they do get them back in the store, I can get the sale price of $2.50 each or 2 for $5 instead of the everyday price of $3.49 each.  Right now I only have enough coupons to get 2 for free, so I only got 2 rain checks.  But now I'm wondering if I should have gotten a rain check for more, in case I get more coupons before they come in.  Oh well, too late now.

So my entire order was just the two Air Wick sprays.

Retail Price:

  • 2 Air Wick Aerosol Sprays: $1.69 each (Total $3.38)

SubTotal: $3.38

My Price:

  • 2 Air Wick Aerosol Sprays: $3.38 - BOGO($1.69) = $1.69 - $1.00 Coupon = $0.69

My SubTotal: $0.69

And then of course with Tax, it came to $0.84

But if you look at the SubTotals before the tax, then $3.38 - $0.69 = $2.69

Soooo I saved $2.69.  Not too shabby.  

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